# [Opening Design][] [Gitea][] Customization Gitea instance customization files ## Installation The components of the repository are mapped onto the [Opening Design][] [Gitea][] instance using the [customizing Gitea](https://docs.gitea.io/en-us/customizing-gitea/) instructions: - the *templates* folder is mapped to *$GITEA_CUSTOM/templates/custom/* - the *images* contents is mapped into *$GITEA_CUSTOM/public/img* - the *css/dist* contents is mapped into *$GITEA_CUSTOM/public/css/* ## Development The source is hosted on [Gitea](https://hub.openingdesign.com/OpeningDesign/gitea_customization) and uses [prettier][], [lint-staged][] and [husky][] to keep things pretty. As such, when you first [clone][git-clone] the repository, as well as installing the npm dependencies, you will also need to install [husky][]. ```bash # Install NPM dependencies npm install # Set up husky Git hooks stored in .husky npx husky install ``` [opening design]: http://openingdesign.com/ [gitea]: https://gitea.io/ [husky]: https://typicode.github.io/husky [git-clone]: https://www.git-scm.com/docs/git-clone [prettier]: https://prettier.io/ [lint-staged]: https://github.com/okonet/lint-staged#readme